Innovacion y solucion en polimeros s de rl de cv

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Membranas Plásticas Internacionales, S.A. de C.V. (MEGAPLAST) is committed to the protection of your personal data, being responsible for its use, handling and confidentiality, in compliance with the Federal Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals.

For MEGAPLAST, it is necessary to collect certain personal data to carry out the activities intrinsic to our business. Therefore, we recommend that you read the following information carefully:

DETAILS OF THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE: MEMBRANAS PLASTICAS INTERNACIONALES, S.A. DE C.V., hereinafter referred to as MEGAPLAST, is a Company incorporated under Mexican Law, with its principal place of business at Carretera a San Luis KM. 10.5 S/N, Col. González Ortega, C.P. 21600, Mexicali, B.C.

WHAT DO WE COLLECT AND USE YOUR INFORMATION FOR? The personal information we collect about you is necessary to verify and confirm your identity; administer and operate the services and products you request or purchase from us, and to comply with the obligations arising therefrom, as mentioned below but not limited to:

Fortoflex Tarpaulins

Industrial Pad Printing is a manufacturer, since 1995, of consumables for the pad printing industry, screen printing and laser systems; committed to quality, service and technical support, from an operator dependent printing system, to a systemized printing system.

To be the most recognized Mexican company in providing “a total solution” in industrial printing systems, through technological knowledge, sales forces, excellent service and innovation of new printing systems.

What is a polymer

Visualization of linear polymer chains observed using an atomic force microscope on a surface and under a liquid medium. The contour length of this polymer is ~204 nm; and its thickness is ~0.4 nm.[1] A polymer is a substance composed of macromolecules.

A polymer is a substance composed of macromolecules.[2] A macromolecule is a molecule of high molecular mass, whose structure is essentially formed by a repetition of molecular units of low molecular mass. [2]

A polymer (from Greek: πολυς [polys] “much” and μερος [meros] “part” or “segment”) is a substance composed of large molecules, or macromolecules (usually organic) formed by the joining by covalent bonds of one or more single units called monomers.[3]

Due to their wide variety of properties, both synthetic and natural polymers play an essential role in our lives.[4] Polymers encompass both the synthetic plastics we are all familiar with, such as polyethylene, as well as natural biopolymers such as DNA and proteins, which are fundamental to biological structure and function.

Difference between duraflex and fortoflex

ValuesºThe customer is our priority.ºWe listen and respond quickly to our customers’ current and future needs, forging long-term relationships.ºOffering the best quality brands and technologies.ºThe products we offer are certified and guaranteed so that our customers get high performance products.ºExcellence in quality.ºThrough continuous training we provide our customers with excellent products and services.ºOffering the best quality brands and technologies.ºThrough continuous training we provide our customers with excellent products and services.

ValuesºThe customer is our priority.ºWe listen and respond quickly to the current and future needs of our customers, thus forging long-term relationships.ºOffering the best quality brands and technologies.ºThe products we offer are certified and guaranteed so that our customers get high performance products.ºExcellence in quality.ºThrough continuous training we provide our customers with excellent products and services.

Grupo Mac Grupo Tensa Metcon Servicon Integra Carvid Timsa GI Servicios FCA Fraser Becherano Cunsa Cunsa Philips Mexicana Surconsa Edesarrollos Parks Desarrolladora Sackbé S.A. de C.V. Grupo Tensa Thermoclima Snarq Anciano Arquitectos

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